The World of Darkness
Dance of the Dead is a Vampire Live Roleplaying Game, a persistent world adventure into the dark and horrifying world of the living dead. Set in an alternate, present day Singapore, the story opens at the Anarch Fight Club in Geylang. Freshly undead gangs of vampires meet at a ritual ring to settle rivalries, grudges and negotiate turf. Triads, motorbike gangs, syndicates and vigilantes will unite, or clash.
As featured on Straits Times lifestyle, on 1 Feb 2020. “From live-action role playing to Nerf to unconventional escape rooms, more players are getting in the thick of the action with interactive, real-life gaming experiences…”
Anarch Rebel
Most young vampires who have not lived 100 years of unlife view the Camarilla as an oppressor. An institution that favours the power plays of the elders over the basic needs of the common majority. These young punks call themselves Anarchs, and they refuse to bow to the might of the Camarilla Princes.
You play a vampire from the 4 legendary vampire Gangs of Geylang who make up the Anarch movement, or you may also play a recent defector from the Camarilla clans.
Camarilla Infiltrator
As immortal creatures, vampires rely on laws of the night to ensure their population is controlled, power is shared, and violence kept to a minimum. The Camarilla is a fearsome global organisation that claims sovereignty over all vampirekind. These rules of vampire civilisation prevent the race of alpha predators from tearing each other apart. Camarilla Princes demand the right of life and death over all that live within their lands.
You play a spy sent by the Camarilla. You have volunteered to risk your unlife to uncover intelligence for the upcoming conflict. This is a high risk mission and your character may die if they are discovered by the Anarchs.
January's Session
Photos by Foxfoo Photography
The Harpies claim that Prince Hayam Wuruk‘s rave was going to be a party to die for. They were not disappointed.
Ah Seng, the Brujah Anarch Emissary, stormed into Elysium to demand justice for a murdered friend. At the end of the night, the Camarilla Prince set him on fire for his presumption. This cruel persecution drove the vampires of Clan Nosferatu and Malkavian to defect to the Anarchs. Jackson, the rabble leader, slew Danielle De La Croix and devoured the elder Malkavian Primogen’s soul to wrest control over her clan. Flush with stolen power, Jackson led the Anarch rebels to wreck the Prince’s art gallery.
Driven to near frenzy, Prince Wuruk swore vengeance. The Anarchs have 48 hours to surrender Jackson and the vandals. Failure to do so means war…
A war that the Camarilla will surely win.
New Player FAQ
What is a LARP?
Live Action Role Playing (LARP) is a roleplaying game where players meet up in person, dress up and act as their character.
Dance of the Dead is Void Deck Games’ inaugural Vampire Larp, a persistent world adventure into the dark and horrifying world of the living dead. You play a vampire (or mortal) in the World of Darkness, an alternate reality Singapore, where supernatural monsters and magic exist.
I have never played a Larp. What should I expect?
We have designed this game as a gentle introduction to salon-style (contact-free) larping. Our emphasis is not on combat, but co-creating a dramatic story with other players in the community.
Before the game begins, Storytellers will issue game tokens and explain the basic rules of the game. You will learn how to use your supernatural vampiric powers, safety (physical and mental), as well as the basic etiquette of playing in a larp.
You will enter, roam the space, interact with other players and NPCs, and take part in the unfolding story.
I didn’t play the previous game. What did I miss?
Anarch Fight Club is a sequel but we have designed the experience so that players do not need to have experienced the previous game to enjoy each episode. If you’re curious, watch the video above or read the recap. Talk to the other characters in the game to find out more.
Do I have to come in costume?
Costuming isn’t compulsory, but it is encouraged. Most players dress as their character, as it helps them shed their identity and feel more immersed in the World of Darkness. Most of the play area is air-conditioned, but certain zones are not.
Is this like an escape room or interactive theatre?
Dance of the Dead shares puzzle-solving elements of escape rooms and performative elements of interactive theatre. The main draw of a Vampire larp is to scheme, connive and create drama through roleplaying with your friends and community. Choose your adventure!
Will I have a specific mission to carry out?
The primary goal for most larpers is to have fun roleplaying a character, and exploring the world through different eyes.
Vampire the Masquerade is similar to Game of Thrones. Characters belong to rival vampire factions that seek power and domination over their rivals. As a new player, you will be issued a secret story hook before the game. More goals and hooks can be discovered as you talk to NPCs and get involved in conspiracies within the story. If you feel lost or bored, you may also approach a Storyteller for help. As you become a more seasoned player in the game, you’ll work with Storytellers to set your own goals that are tailored to your character’s ambitions.
Is there a Code of Conduct?
Yes. Players must agree to our Code of Conduct before joining the game. We aim to be inclusive, because participation is something we believe in. Please also read the Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions.
Will there be fighting? Will my clothes get dirty?
Dance of the Dead is a no-contact larp. Physical fighting isn’t allowed in this game. All conflicts are resolved through a dice-roller on your smartphone and our contact-free game system.
What if I feel uncomfortable during the game?
Please inform a Storyteller if you feel disturbed, distressed or uncomfortable in the game. A member of staff will help you decompress in a private room.
What about accessibility?
Dyslexia-friendly character sheets may be printed on request before the game. The game takes place on the second floor of a warehouse. There is a wheelchair-accessible ramp to the lift lobby and a lift to the second floor. An wheelchair-accessible toilet is located at the second floor. Please inform us when you purchase your ticket (or before) so we can make adequate preparations for your gaming comfort.
Is this official World of Darkness material from White Wolf?
This is not official WoD material. Portions of the materials are the copyrights and trademarks of White Wolf Entertainment AB, and are used with permission. All rights reserved. For more information please visit
We have greatly simplified game mechanics and disciplines to encourage first-time larpers. As game designers, our goal is to lower the barriers to entry for new players to experience the World of Darkness.

About Void Deck Games
3 years ago, filmmaker, Raihan Harun, and designer, Joanne Lim, created a company with a unique value proposition. Why settle for mundane existence? Escape reality and live your wildest fantasy.
Void Deck Games is an immersive entertainment company that focuses on roleplaying experiences. We create real-life adventures where ordinary people are cast into extraordinary stories.
With over 20 years experience in participatory design, we are masters of using immersive theatre, game mechanics, and improvisation, to create immersion in the minds and the senses of our audiences. Lose yourself in a new persona and embrace the freedom of being someone else in a storytelling adventure.
We are the “Westworld” of Singapore. Be it surviving a zombie apocalypse or scheming in the Vampire-themed Game of Thrones. Rethink what you know about experiencing a story. Why watch a movie or a play, when you can be part of the action. Take a leap of faith, unshackle yourself from reality, and soar to the outer limits of your imagination. Come play our latest game today!
The Straits Times, 1 Feb 2020: “From live-action role playing to Nerf to unconventional escape rooms, more players are getting in the thick of the action with interactive, real-life gaming experiences…”
Sassystrawberry: “… Anarch Fight Club LARP in January again and as usual, we had an amazing time playing vampires for the night. The Singapore mermaids have been making a strong showing ? pod strong in the first photo, with guest appearance by @keltonfx.”
Boiledcurry: “Although I have played DnD before, LARPing was entirely new to me […] but the other storytellers, NPCs, and players were very welcoming and made my entry into their world very easy and I had an excellent time!”
Geek Culture, 15 Nov 2020: “Who says Halloween only happens on October 31st? Not for these guys at Void Deck Games, it seems…”
Writer / Director
Raihan Harun
Joanne Lim
Associate Producers
Hana Harun
Joel Lim
Chris Choy
Lead Cast
Farez Najid – Salim Palun
Nicholas Chan – Zhao Yun
Nicholas Goh – Jackson
Kevin Wee – Father Matthew
Jeannette Foo – Del
Michelangelo – Armani
Supporting Cast
Tate Fong – Ringmaster Sandalphon ‘Sandy’
Yoap Rui Hang – Destine
Jewell – Cheng
Wei Qining – Gret
Wynd Lui – Ah Wing
Jovi Tan – Ashley
Natalie Mello – Krystal
Pearline Ho – Coco
Karmen – Coco’s sister / businesswoman / police chief / Bakar Batu bruiser
Kim – Apple / policewoman
Jonathan Tan – bodyguard / policeman
Lianne Chia – Bakar Batu bruiser
Chris Choy – policeman
Joanne Lim – Mad Mary
Raihan Harun – Babi Borhan
Farez Najid (Larpwright)
Nicholas Chan (Larpwright)
Jeannette Foo (Larpwright)
Jonathan Tan (Worldbuilding wiki)
Joel Lim (Larpwright / Story Hooks)
Raihan Harun (Larpwright / Story Hooks)
Quest & Game Design
Nicholas Goh
Pearline Ho
Wynd Lui
Joanne Lim
Raihan Harun
Sound Design
Kevin Wee
Lianne Chia
Lighting Crew
Kevin Wee
Lianne Chia
Chris Choy
Art Department
Natalie Mello (Art Director)
Jeroen Ow
Kevin Wee
Jeannette Foo
Nicholas Chan
Tate Fong
Jovi Tan
Lianne Chia
Euodia Nhx
Stunt Coordinators
Nicholas Chan
Kevin Wee
Community Managers
Nicholas Goh
Nicholas Chan
Social Media
Hana Harun
Geraldine Lim
Fox Foo Photography
Sapiah Abdullah
The Anarch Creed
“We do not talk about Fight Club.
We do not bow to the Eldest.
We do not obey the Traditions.
We are the Anarchs! We have built an arena in Geylang where freedom is celebrated with fists. And Tyranny dies bloody in a cage. This is our turf. Our home. If the Camarilla wants to take it from us, they better be ready to meet us in the ring.
You cannot choose who sired you. But you can choose who earns your respect.”
– Jackson, Brujah